In this moment I feel

My own gentleness

I am whole and all things feel vibrant

I sit in appreciation by this still lake

Here i can filter these thoughts

I, the awareness

The eternal aspect of free will and love

Where arising distractions of what I do not want

Become only gentle lessons

Let my decision for the coming day of action

Be made in this moment

Where I can see farthest

And hear the crows speaking in the trees

For soon I will arise and walk toward the day

With the strength of a bull and eyes

Of a hawk

But for now my prayer

Amen, for this peaceful moment

Of gathering

Prayer by the lake


Earth, Air, Water, Fire


Just one small moment in peace, may this be our primary intent

For one moment becomes two and one action bleeds into another in gratitude, we once sought only peace and eventually cannot explain with words What and Who fills our hearts

Our being would extend this wherever we go, whenever we can, for what we give we receive as what we teach we shall also learn

Now we may plug in this cord, in this clear moment and increase the voltage.Reminding us the current is only a current, neutral in itself, like any other object of this world.

Let us harness these visions, and in gratitude walk again, with God's strength.

All born sitting in a seemingly small moment, we are both reborn and our past undone.  Amen, do we embrace these moments in gratitude.

Peace and Love, Goss


Training Log

About the Earth Drummer Log?

Any Athlete or Individual who wants to have a place to input customizable tracking information

- Includes 52-weekly pages not bound by dates (user inputs the dates) with space to record pertinent information.

- Flexible but not “Telling you what to input”. Can track sleep, mood, calories, time, distance, and anything in real time. Information can be input into excel or any software as data.

- Includes 13 Four-Week review pages to assess progress and set new goals.

Anyone who wants to increase their chances of achieving a goal will benefit from logging daily activity. This is 100% verified in studies

Earth Drummer Training Logs are compact but usable measuring in at 5" wide X 8" tall.

Why Earth Drummer?

- Customizable for any sport, activity, or tracking needs.

- Pages are not filled with components the athlete does not desire to track, and can be used to track anything – sleep, mood, distance, time, weight training, nutrition, and anything else.

- Logs are Compact and usable measuring in at 5" wide X 8" tall.

- Includes 52 open weeks (can be used anytime) with Goal reviews and setting pages after every 4-week period.


Athlete, Parent, Philosopher, Poet

Bio: Samuel “Goss” Lindsey | Transforming Businesses,Touching Lives

Samuel Goss Lindsey, known as Goss, is more than just a sales and marketing specialist. With a visionary approach and an array of talents, he has propelled numerous businesses to success while making a positive impact on the lives of diverse individuals, spanning from the intricacies of coaching youth, and medical equipment sales, to the transformative power of education.

Professional Journey

Soon after graduating college in the mid-90s as a highly accomplished long-distance runner, Goss embarked on a rapid sprint into the professional world, never casting a glance behind. From starting a business (Earth Drummer Training Logs), and door-to-door copier sales, to the challenging realm of medical equipment and nursing services, he has consistently redefined the game, generating millions of dollars in revenue and solidifying his position as an industry leader.

But Goss's passion for innovation and relationship-building extends beyond his early successes. In his latest venture, he embraces new challenges with enthusiasm, exploring uncharted territories and spearheading initiatives that shape the industries he excels in.

Published Works

Goss's expertise extends beyond the realm of business. As an accomplished author, he has masterfully crafted five insightful books that delve into a wide range of subjects, from strategic business techniques to personal growth and development. His works not only showcase his business acumen but also reflect his insatiable curiosity about reality subjects beyond the known world.

Poetic Soul

Beyond his business ventures, Goss possesses a poetic soul that captivates audiences interested in a unique and heartfelt approach to life. With a substantial following on social media, his poetic expressions have garnered international followers. Goss possesses a unique talent in sharing his own quest to find what is beautiful aimed to touch hearts and provoke introspection through his words.

Personal Life

Outside of his thriving career, Goss takes immense pride in being a devoted father to two accomplished children, celebrating their achievements in sports and their commitment to environmental causes.

In a rather unconventional hobby, Goss finds solace and inspiration in building connections with animals, particularly crows. By observing and befriending these creatures, he gains profound insights into the wonders of the natural world, drawing parallels to the complexities and simple pleasure of life itself. 

The Man Behind the Story

Goss embodies an ongoing journey of endless possibilities, a living testament to the incredible outcomes that arise when passion aligns with profession and when the heart guides one's actions. With his unwavering drive and down-to-earth humility, Goss continues to inspire and lead by example, leaving an indelible mark on both the business world and the lives he touches along the way.


A Little More About Me


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Copyright 2023 | Quest to Peace